Definition:The Perfect Universal Lifestyle (PUL) is the lifestyle lived by Jesus, Peter, James, John, Paul and all the Apostles, and believers, both Jew and Gentile converts, for the first few years of the NT church. Based on the perfect, holy, just, and good revelation of Torah, it would include all or most of the 613 'commands' established as the lifestyle of a fully observant Jew in the days of the Messiah. Ultimately, compliance to the PUL is the 'sign' of one's acceptance of the covenant of Abraham (Rom 4:9-11).
Deploying the Perfect Universal Lifestyle:
1. The
Standard is Given: God, through the Torah (OT), declares a
single universal lifestyle for all mankind as a requirement for membership in
family of God (Israel). He begins deployment with Israel.
[Num 15:15,16 The community is to
have the same rules for you and for the alien living among you; this is a
lasting ordinance for the generations to come. You and the alien shall be the
same before the LORD: The same laws and
regulations will apply both to you and to the alien living among you.'"]
2. Writing
the Final Draft: In a glorious
act of fraternity, God allowed, indeed expected, man (Israel) to digest the
revelation of Torah and then express the ‘instructions’ of Torah in its final lifestyle
(legal) form. Man can never say it's
'too difficult' - he wrote the final draft.
With the definition of the perfect life complete, the perfect life could
come, and in the life of Messiah Jesus, God sanctified (approved) the PUL as
the one and only perfect and obedient expression of an inward faith in God.
3. Empowering
the PUL: In Messiah's death and
the Re-newed (empowered) Covenant, the way was opened for mankind to eventually
'perfectly obey' rather than 'carefully obey' (Deu 6:25) the requirements of
the PUL. Messiah did not end the PUL but
rather gave us power to live it - perfectly.
While speaking against legalistic abuses, which claimed the PUL was the
source of righteousness, Messiah, as the cornerstone of the church, and latter
the apostles as its foundations, continued to live and expect new converts, Jew
or gentile to live the PUL just as it was commanded in Torah.
4. Faith
First: Israel had rejected their
king (Messiah) and his kingdom thus breaking the national dimension of
Abraham's covenant. But Israel's tragedy
would be riches for the world. God would
now suspend the national fulfillment of the covenant, and as the prophets had
foretold, God would turn to all of mankind (the Gentiles) to call out for
himself a people 'faithful' to the greater spiritual dimensions of the covenant
with Abraham. Consistent with God's
dealing with Abraham and Israel, God would stress and then implement the inner
'heart circumcision', before the external 'signs,' in his outreach to the rest
of mankind. This period of grace or
non-compliance with the full outward 'signs' of the inner work, was initiated
by the Spirit guided, Acts 15 Jerusalem Council. Once again, the 'just' would learn that faith
alone (in the blood of Messiah) would reconcile them to God.
5. The
40 Jubilee's Journey: The Acts
15 accommodation does not rescind or diminish God's expressed truth as revealed
by Torah - that the PUL should be practiced universally by all mankind. Unfortunately, Gentile Christianity, for most
of 2000 years or 40 Jubilee's (one Jubilee = 49 years), has conveniently
mistaken an accommodation of childhood grace as the termination of the PUL, and
continues to falsely teach against compliance to it. The church has failed to distinguish
childhood from adulthood, the journey from the destination.
6. Entering
the 'Promised Land': The
transition from corporate childhood to adulthood, from Moses to Joshua, is
imminent. The Biblical symbology and
contrast of 'wilderness' and 'promised land' cannot be denied. As we approach the end of the age, the truth
of Christianity's 'journey' of non-compliance, and its imminent re-compliance
to the PUL as it enters the land on Passover has become apparent. The PUL is at the pivotal center of the
prophetic role of the end-day 'adult' church.
The church has no 'territorial' promises, but it does have 'relational'
promises - oneness with Messiah and Father God. Therefore, our 'promised land' in this age
is holiness-in-fact (perfection), and holiness can only be defined in terms of
the PUL. No other perfect lifestyle has
ever been defined, Christian or otherwise.
Universal Compliance: Once
again, following the pattern of Israel's Exodus from Egypt, the wilderness, and
fourteen year conquest of the promised land, compliance to the PUL will become
the outward sign of an inner sanctification and separation from the world. Faith is first, but faith without 'works'
(PUL) is dead. Legalism, the human tendency to please God with 'external works'
is a youthful inner war. That struggle
must end, and the real war of truth with God's enemies must begin. While any prescribed lifestyle is not
required for salvation, there will come a time, before the end of this age,
when those who have heeded the leading of the Spirit, adopting the PUL and all
else, will be the only ones equipped to withstand the evil days that will befall
mankind. Protected in an 'ark' of
safety, the actions of the faithful, will condemn the world, including those
who thought they could be lukewarm in their response to God.
1. Contemporary Christianity is only addressing
the elementary goals of Biblical Christianity, - an honorable life and the
great commission.
The contemporary Christian lifestyle perpetrates the myth of two
lifestyles (Jew and Gentile).
The contemporary Christian lifestyle cannot answer the prophetic
requirements of:
a. Complete Oneness (that the world will
b. All truth
c. Perfection (Sinlessness, Holiness)
d. All Power
e. Protection
f. The final model of 'redeemed' humanity
against which God can justifiably judge and punish (condemn) the whole world
(i.e. Noah).
g. Provoking Israel to Jealousy
h. Communicating the prophetic end-time
message to the world or to Israel
i. The ‘I do’ pledge of obedience required
for preparation of the bride of Messiah
j. The requirements for the 'consecration
of the high priesthood' for their end-time ministry.
The PUL was the lifestyle lived and thereby sanctified by Messiah and
the Apostles - the 'foundations' of the spiritual house (temple) of
Christianity. Many today attribute our
spiritual father's adherence to this lifestyle to 'Jewish customs' or to the
early church's incomplete comprehension of the Re-newed Covenant - this is
absolutely wrong. Avoiding these errors,
many than go on to create the 'equal but ordained' Jewish/Gentile dual
lifestyles theology. This also is
contrary to the Word of God (Num 15: 15,16) and only confuses the search for
prophetic truth.
The origins of the PUL transcend Israel and Judaism. The Sabbath, the sacrificial system, the Melchizedek
priesthood, and the covenant of circumcision were practiced by gentiles
(non-Israelites) before Israel, the Torah, or Judaism ever existed.
All evidence indicates the PUL has its origin in heaven. The PUL is the common living environment of
the universal Kingdom of God. It should
not be perceived as a purely 'Jewish' lifestyle. The earthly tabernacle and temple are
patterns of the original temple in heaven.
The temple ceremony centers around the 'fixed times of the Lord'
('Feasts of the Lord' - not 'Feasts of the Jews'), the sanctity of the Sabbath,
and the priesthood are all seen in heaven, of which, all believers are native
citizens. Israel was a splash of heaven
on this earth.
The origins of both the old and new covenants were delivered to mankind
outside of Israel. The original Passover
was held in Egypt. The Torah, the
central revelation of the PUL, was given on Sinai in Saudi Arabia; Paul's
revelation of the new covenant was also given in Arabia. Jesus was crucified 'outside' Jerusalem. This symbology indicates that the PUL is
neither intrinsically Jewish nor intended to be observed only by Jews.
Abraham was neither an Israelite nor Jewish. He was the gentile spiritual father of many
nations, the recipient of the covenant promises which included both a spiritual
inheritance and a physical inheritance through his 'seed' Messiah. As a sign of mankind's faithful compliance,
God instituted the covenant of circumcision, as an everlasting covenant (Gen
17). Gentiles Abraham and Ishmael (and
all males of his household), ninety-nine and thirteen years old respectively,
were the first humans to 'sign', (by circumcision) the covenant - which was
instituted and accepted before Isaac or Jacob, of the Israel/Jewish line, were
even born!
Christianity's nearly 2000 years of Law-less existence clearly parallels
the Biblical pattern of Israel's journey from Egypt into the promised
land. As a community, the men of Israel
were circumcised before they celebrated the Passover in Egypt and in like
fashion the early church under the guidance of the Apostles also required
compliance to the Law, including circumcision.
However during the forty year wilderness journey, compliance was
deliberately set aside and the sons born in the wilderness were not circumcised. And so, like Israel, during the church's
journey of forty Jubilees, God has again set aside compliance (Acts 15) to the
PUL. Christianity has now completed
forty Jubilee cycles since the death of its Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ. But now, as the 'wilderness' journey ends
and the promised 'holy' land stands before us, timely new instructions are
being given to us. Our instructions will
be found in Biblical patterns. The
conquest of Israel's promised land took fourteen years and began on
Passover. Just after crossing the
Jordan, in the face of their enemies, as an act of consecration in preparation
to keep Passover as the Law requires, Joshua ordered all the males of Israel
circumcised. The symbolism is clear, the
first circumcision in Egypt was under Moses, but as Messiah's body prepares to
enter it's promised land (which will also take fourteen years), Messiah himself
(Joshua, a type of Messiah) is calling for compliance to the PUL.
Mankind was designed to live in a state of sinless perfection as his
normal and eternal state of existence.
Adam and Eve lived perfectly, and in the future all ‘glorified’ flesh, and
effectively all flesh blood humans will live on this earth in sinless
perfection. The atoning work of Messiah,
expressed in the PUL, can only be proven to be superior to the power of sin,
self, and the devil by producing sinless humans who are yet in this present
evil world. Sin is an aberration; the atonement is the perfect antidote.
Therefore, it is our
admonition that all men everywhere, including Gentiles, begin (if they have not
already done so) a prayerful, studious, Spirit-led preparation toward recompliance
to the PUL as declared by Torah. This is
not a journey into legalism, but into freedom and obedient preparation for
'marriage' to Messiah.